Haskell Exceptions and Abstractions, or Part 2 of Abstracting the Monad Stack
January 01, 0001Error handling is a big deal for me. I have probably studied this more than anything else in Haskell because I find it so important to carefully handle unexpected errors. I have presented on this before, but those older presentations lacked a nuance of understanding that I have developed in the last few years.
This article carries on from my previous one, Abstracting the Monad Stack. In that article, I was unable to get all the way to exception abstraction. That this article took me so long to write demonstrates that I was correct in my assessment that this was too much for me to roll into my previous article.
Abstracting out the Exception
I still want to throw exceptions from my library, and my library has the HealthException
data HealthException = TimeSeriesExc SeriesExc
| UnknownException String
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Health r m = (MonadIO m, MonadReader r m, HasHealthContext r)
However, the higher-level context of my application frequently has a different exception type, which may well encompass exceptions from other modules:
data WebExc = WebExcHealth HealthException
| WebExcHttp HttpException
| AppForbidden
| AppUnauthorized
Typically, I would have to unwrap the monad stack for my library in order to rewrap the exception class into the WebExc exception. Again, this works, but it creates tedious boilerplate that we would like to remove:
handleGetHistory :: Interval UTCTime -> WebM ([Sample Weight], [Sample TimeDistance], [Sample Steps])
handleGetHistory interval = do
WebContext{..} <- ask
weightRes <- getWeights interval
timeDistanceRes <- getTimeDistance interval
stepRes <- getSteps interval
case (weightRes, timeDistanceRes, stepRes) of
(Left err, _, _) -> throwError $ WebExcHealth err
(_, Left err, _) -> throwError $ WebExcHealth err
(_, _, Left err) -> throwError $ WebExcHealth err
(Right weights, Right timeDistances, Right steps) -> pure (weights, timeDistances, steps)
In order to make this goal, we can do something similar to HasHealthContext
, but this time for writing. Start out by building a class that describes the process of “wrapping” this exception. We must also declare such an exception in our type constraints.
class AsHealthException exc where
_HealthException :: HealthException -> exc
_TimeSeriesExc :: SeriesExc -> exc
_TimeSeriesExc = _HealthException . TimeSeriesExc
_UnknownException :: String -> exc
_UnknownException = _HealthException . UnknownException
type Health r exc m = (MonadIO m, MonadReader r m, HasHealthContext r, MonadError exc m, AsHealthException exc)
This class declares a generic function that wraps all health exceptions, and then two dedicated functions for simply creating and wrapping a TimeSeriesExc
and an UnknownException
. The new components to the type constraint both declare that the calling monad must implement MonadReader
, and that the exceptions being raised in the monad must support AsHealthException
In the library code, you use these exceptions like so:
getWeights :: Health r exc m => Interval UTCTime -> m a
getWeights = throwError $ _HealthException $ UnknownException "demonstrating with _HealthException"
getTimeDistance :: Health r exc m => Interval UTCTime -> m a
getTimeDistance = throwError $ _UnknownException "demonstrating with _UnknownException"
Note how the exception is no longer explicitely called out in the type signatures for getWeights
or getTimeDistance
. However, that an exception is thrown is still strictly type checked and even documented in the constrant on the exc
parameter in Health r exc m
The caller must implement this class to make the wrapping transparent.
instance AsHealthException WebExc where
_HealthException = WebExc . WebExcHealth
With this one change, we almost magically see our calling code collapse into something quite reasonable.
handleGetHistory :: Interval UTCTime -> WebM ([Sample Weight], [Sample TimeDistance], [Sample Steps])
handleGetHistory interval = do
WebContext{..} <- ask
weights <- getWeights interval
timeDistances <- getTimeDistance interval
steps <- getSteps interval
pure (weights, timeDistances, steps)
Handle an exception inside the monad
Let’s say that there are certain exceptions that you need to handle in place. For instance, assume that when I save a TimeDistance workout, I want to update some summary data. This is slightly contrived since in this case I would usually generate the summaries based on queries, but it serves to illustrate a point.
got quite a few updates alongside handleGetHistory
, so it has changed from our original example and looks like this:
handleSaveTimeDistance :: Maybe SampleID -> SetTimeDistanceParameters -> WebM (Sample TimeDistance)
handleSaveTimeDistance sampleId params =
let workoutFromParams = undefined
workout = workoutFromParams params
in saveTimeDistance sampleId workout
Now I add the update function, keeping it within the Health
monad for simplicity. I also add a fictitious rollback
and commit
functions. If written, they would assume that, like in any database setup, they are safely written to disk but in a way that does not take effect until a single monotonic commit
function happens. Just for the fun of it, I’ll also add a checkAuthorization
function, which would be run before actually saving any data to disk.
checkAuthorization :: WebM ()
checkAuthorization = undefined
updateTimeDistanceSummary :: Health r exc m => TimeDistance -> m a
updateTimeDistanceSummary _ = undefined
commit :: Health r exc m => m ()
commit = undefined
rollback :: Health r exc m => m ()
rollback = undefined
However, this turns out to be super simple. Remember that I am working in MonadError
, and so I have access to the already-familiar catchError
. I have no need for anything complicated.
handleSaveTimeDistance :: Maybe SampleID -> SetTimeDistanceParameters -> WebM (Sample TimeDistance)
handleSaveTimeDistance sampleId params =
let workoutFromParams = undefined
workout = workoutFromParams params
catchError (do checkAuthorization
res <- saveTimeDistance sampleId workout
updateTimeDistanceSummary workout
pure res)
handler err@(WebExcHealth _) = do
throwError err
handler exc = throwError exc
Sprinkling in a bit of Template Haskell
The class declaration for AsHealthException
above still looks like boilerplate, but I present it as explanation. The Lens library actually provides a function that does exactly this. Note that introducing TemplateHaskell also requires introducing additional files. Code generation from the lenses (or any other TemplateHaskell code generation) does not become available in the file in which it is declared.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens (makeClassyPrisms, prism)
data HealthException = ...
makeClassyPrisms ''HealthException
The library code must be changed just a bit. The functions on AsHealthException actually create Prisms now, a fairly complex data structure that I only barely grasp. In order to throw the exception, it must first be injected appropriately into a prism, and so the code becomes this:
getWeights :: Health r m => Interval UTCTime -> m (Either HealthException a)
getWeights = throwError $ review _HealthException $ UnknownException "demonstrating with _HealthException"
getTimeDistance :: Health r m => Interval UTCTime -> m (Either HealthException a)
getTimeDistance = throwError $ review _UnknownException "demonstrating with _UnknownException"
Client code is a little different, also, but only in the AsHealthException
instance AsHealthException WebExc where
_HealthException = prism WebExcHealth unwrap
where unwrap (WebExcHealth exc) = Right exc
unwrap exc = Left exc
Again, _HeathException
is now a prism, as are _TimeSeriesExc
and _UnknownException
. This adds some extra options for unwrapping the exception, but I do not currently use, or have a good example of, such a handler.
End of a journey
This has already been a long journey in the making. At the end of it, however, you have learned how to use type constraints to effectively abstract an entire monad stack, making a significantly more reusable and simultaneously much easier to read and use.
This is probably not the only way to set up reusable monad stacks, but it is the one that I find the easiest to understand, the easiest to build, and the easiest to use. I ask you to try this kind of setup for your own code to see where it works and where it breaks. I also would like feedback on how well this worked for you and whether you have a different means of building the same kind of flexibility.
While we have covered a lot of ground, there is much more to do. In my next article I will provide a summary template of everything we have built here.
After that, it is time to start designing architectures that can handle dependency injection for mocking out resources in test, or even allowing run-time configuration of resource backends.
Haskell Exceptions and Abstractions, or Part 2 of Abstracting the Monad Stack by Savanni D’Gerinel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.