Dreamer, Shaper, Seeker, Maker, Cyberpunk, Betrayal-Driven Developer, Cyclist, Photographer, Alchemist, queer as in fuck you. I live in Providence, Rhode Island, with my partner and three glorious felines, hanging out with queers, and trying to be a helpful, productive human being.
- Pronouns: ey/em, she/her
- Honorifics: Mx, Mir, Miss, Ma'am
- Functional Programming: Rust, Haskell, Purescript, Ocaml, Elm, Clojure
- Photography
- Cycling
- Fitness
- Linux
- Space-age user interfaces
My Favorite Books and Short Stories
- *Anathem*, Neil Stephenson
- *Metatropolis*, John Scalzi et. al.
- *Solitude*, Ursula Le Guin
- *Coming of Age in Karhide*, Ursula Le Guin
- *Angel Tech*, Antero Ali
- *On Becoming an Alchemist*, Katherine MacCoun